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General Information for ukrainian refugees

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для зміни мови на українську, натисніть на значок прапора

Until Mai 31th 2022
refugees from ukraine who stay in Duisburg get welfare benefit from the administration of the city of duisburg based on german asylum-law.

Beginning from June 1st 2022 the city of Duisburg is no longer responsible to uphold welfare benefit. Instead of the city administration, jobcenter Duisburg as an independent administration is responsible for paying welfare benefit based on german social-law.

That means that for all ukrainian refugees in need of financial support after Mai 31th 2022 a new application at jobcenter Duisburg is mandatory. Who does not apply in time for the new welfare benefit from jobcenter will no longer get any money from german authorities. We recommend that refugees affected by this change to apply as soon as possible for the new welfare benefit from jobcenter. This webpage will give you the support and information required.


Which applications forms, attachments and verification documents will be needed for an application at jobcenter? 

At first, any ukrainian refugee needs to obtain a registration by the foreign peoples administration of the city of Duisburg and a correspondending residence permit, which you will get at once with the registration. You will find more information (in german) in the Webpage of the foreign peoples administration of the city of Duisburg (Ausländerbehörde).

Furthermore – and depending on your personal situation – the procedure of applying for welfare benefit differs a little bit. Below, you will find the necessary information concerning common situations:

Please notice the detailled hints and clues how to fill-in the main application form (Hauptantrag HA – only available in german). For ukrainian versions see the corresponding ukrainian page by clicking on the flag at the beginnung of this page.

In which ways and where can i apply for welfare benefit at jobcenter Duisburg? 

The most simple way to apply for welfare benefit is to make use of our online-solutions at To pass over application forms, questions, messages, information and documents, you can also use our jobcenter Duisburg app for mobile devices (in german). Of course, you can also reach us by classic means e.g. via postal service or telephone.

Please keep in mind, that any application can only be processed when all neccessary attachments are enclosed. Jobcenter needs at least the completely filled-in main application form (Hauptantrag – HA), a photocopy of your passport/id card and the declaration of successful registration at the foreign peoples administration of the city of Duisburg (Ausländerbehörde).
You will find more information concerning the documents needed in the preceding paragraph (Which applications forms, attachments and verification documents will be needed for an application at jobcenter?)

The federal labour administration in germany has also arranged a special telephone hotline for ukrainian refugees who have questions concerning seeking and performing a job or an apprenticeship in germany. You can reach this hotline Monday till Thursday from 8.00 AM until 4.00 PM and Fridays between 8.00 AM and 1.00 PM via the number 0049 911 178 7915. The personnel speaks ukrainian and russian language.

Which different elements can i expect when welfare benefit is granted by jobcenter Duisburg? 

If you comply with the requirements assumed by german social law, you will be granted unemployment benefit including reasonable compensation for housing costs and health insurance. Additionally, you will get support finding a job and several corresponding aids. You will find much more information in the booklet Important terms related to basic income for job seekers – Simplified explanation.

Where can i find more information concerning my stay in germany?

Hilfen für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine – Informationen der Stadt Duisburg (in german and ukrainian language)

Die wichtigsten Antworten für Geflüchtete (FAQs) – Informationen der Stadt Duisburg (in german and ukrainian language)

Welcome to germany – Information from the federal ministry for interior affairs